On February 5-6, 2021, Co-design Your Place Summit was held, dedicated to designing responsible services in regenerated areas.
Moreover, the event was about sharing knowledge and best practices regarding empowering young people to be changemakers, designers and leaders in the urban regeneration.
During two days of workshops and lectures, our guest could find the answers to questions like:
What is Co-design Your Place program?
How to engage youths in social challenges?
How to use Service Design and Speculative Design in regeneration?
How to build sustainable communities around regeneration?
We adapted our approaches and operations in response to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In that spirit, CO-DESIGN YOUR PLACE SUMMIT was an entirely virtual convening.
The Summit is a part of Co-design Your Place project implemented in partnership with the Stable Foundation, the University of the Arts London, London College of Communications and the Station - Student Innovation House in Copenhagen. Activities were founded on Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ program, “Strategic partnerships. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.”
More information about the Summit you can find: https://www.summit.codesignyourplace.eu/
