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Learn how to be CHANGEmaker and join our movement!



We are happy to announce that our "Co-design Your Place. How to use Service Design in regeneration" handbook & toolkit is ready to multiply!


If you want to find out more about:

  • Regeneration of places and communities 

  • Co-design methods and Service Design methodology 

  • Youth inclusion

this ebook is for you!


Fill out the form to download your free copy of "Co-design Your Place. How to use Service Design in regeneration" find suitable methods and tools for you and start your change-making work today!




Social inclusion in regeneration, Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland


November 2019


Service design in the regeneration,
London, Great Britan

 February 2020


Sustainability in regeneration, Copenhagen, Denmark

workshop on-line

 September 2020


Implementation of the service supporting Palace regeneration,

Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland 

workshop online


November 2020

Social inclusion in regeneration
Social inclusion in regeneration (Siemianowice Śląskie)

DAY 1.

 18th of November  

Morning session: introduction to the Co-design your place project, what is the regeneration? work with contexts,  understanding the project brief

Afternoon session: challenges related to building project teams, an introduction to the Service Design methodology

DAY 2.

 19th of November 

Morning session: introduction to the research: how we can design good research? fieldwork in Siemianowice Śląskie

Afternoon session: meetings with local communities, defining a key problem

DAY 3.

 20th of November 

Morning session: ideation session, user scenarios 

Afternoon session: discussion panel with Project Mentors: "Business with vision - socially responsible business, what is the sustainable regeneration and how to design it?", the feedback session with Project Mentors and experienced entrepreneurs and managers 

DAY 4.

 21st of November 

Morning session: iteration and development of a solution, prototyping tools

Afternoon session: rapid prototyping and testing solutions with users, preparing presentations

DAY 5.

 22nd of November 

Morning session: presentation of solutions to users, the local community and managers of the Palace

Afternoon session: feedback session, retro of the whole sprint summary

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All tools were created thanks to Service Design Toolkit 2019. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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workshop gallery
Session outcomes - presentations

Workshop gallery

Service design in regeneration (London)

DAY 1.

 10th of February

Morning session: briefing, Draper Together case study, Elephant and Castle context work, tour,

Afternoon session: intro to speculative design,  participants present about Social Housing, build a scenario – how? , Elephant Park Case study and tour, workshop about case studies and autoethnography 

DAY 2.

 11th of February 

Morning session: workshop in Draper Hall, what if question? ,  what is a provocation, develop a tangible provocation (for co-discovery)

Afternoon session: Co-Discovery workshop with tangible provocations, sum up + learnings/insights

DAY 3.

 12th of February

Morning session: personas, prepare presentation of research, 

Afternoon session: mentoring session - persona, what if question, scenario, provocation, co-discovery session, direction for project, session about feedback

Evening session: Designit presentations, feedback session on project

DAY 4.

 13th of February

Morning session: how to run a co-design session,  prototyping the co-design session,  co-design sessions (ideation part 1)

Afternoon session: concretise the co-design into something (ideation part 2), Mercato Metropolitano (case study)

DAY 5.

 14nd of February

Morning session: finish presentations, mentoring session,  

Afternoon session: final presentations (feedback for each other), retro of the whole sprint summary, closing

program LON

Workshop gallery

Session outcomes - presentations
presentations uk
Workshop gallery LON

Workshop gallery

Next programs
comming soon

By choosing our Co-design your place program you decide to join a unique project supporting the involvement of young people in social changes. We are preparing innovative educational programs, inspiring case studies and engaging exciting Partners to cooperate with us. Next workshops coming soon so stay with us! 

Sustainable community building (Online, Copenhagen)

DAY 1.

 21st of September 

Morning session: briefing, Sustainable Community Building intro, understanding of target group, Oikos Case Study

Afternoon session: Community Canvas intro, tour at Station, interview session 

DAY 2.

 22nd of September 

Morning session: Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship case study, Ungdomsøen case study, compilation of insights, ideation

Afternoon session: Problem definition, ideation, compilation of ideas, workshop with Community Canvas

DAY 3.

 23rd of September 

Morning session: Group formation, teamwork planning, Concept development mentoring sessions

Afternoon session: Concept development, community canvas, service desing methods, mentoring sessions, choose concepts, halfway status

DAY 4.

 24th of September 

Morning session: Concept development and detailing, prototyping, testing mentoring sessions, preparation of presentations

Afternoon session: Presentation and feedback session with mentors, concept development and refining from feedback, prepare final presentation

DAY 5.

 25th of September 

Morning session: Implementation presentation and workshop, develop final presentation

Afternoon session: final presentations with metnors, retro of the whole sprint summary, introduction to implementation session, closing and celebration

Session outcomes - presentations

Workshop gallery

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